Saturday, October 17, 2009

Priority VS hobby

I was born in 1982 and dibesarkan dgn menonton katun katun yang sekarang,
consider oldskool.. such as He-Man, Thundercats, Mask and of course Transformers!

I'm a big fan of Transformers especially Generation 1 episode! super awesome!

when i was a little boy, mom said, she always bought me TF's figures in singapore.
she said i got a lot of em. but aku ingat satu figure je, which is my favourite..
G1 Rodimus Prime!

pic from

back in 2003 i got hooked back tgk Transformers, waktu tu series Energon.
then it all started when my cinta hati(now my lovely wife) and i went to Subang parade,
then i drag her to go to Toy R Us.

jalan punya jalan, tadaaa.. jumpa transfomers section.
Tengok, belek punya belek, aku pon pegang the mighty Rodimus!
hahaha.. tak boleh tahan..
beli lah apa lagik!

pic from

ok.. sebelum aku lari dari tajuk.. start from there, my collections grow
from 10 to 100, then to 300 then to 1000 figures then..aku dah kira dah, tak larat. hahaha
dalam syok mengumpul transformers, dan berkenalan dgn ramai kawan2 baru
(collectors meet up through forum) especially Transmyians.
lagi lah kencang mengcollect, biasa lah dah berkumpul sesama satu komuniti,
semua nak share collections. Super fun! some of my collections pic..

ok long story short.. tibala masa untuk aku untuk kahwin dgn pilihan hati!

She always support me into collecting, ikut aku pi sana ke mari ke toyshop,
belikan aku tf's for my birthday! even hantaran kahwin aku pon

MP3 Soundblaster siap Rumble and Frenzy Earphone lagik! hahaha..

then, start from there.. of course my wife lah my priority, life's been great from
the hari "Aku terima nikah..." until now! superbly happy!.

then on the 10/10/2008, 3:28:35 pm, saturday..
Alhamdulillah..the happiest moment of my life..
i was driving, receive an sms from my lovely wife..

"Syg, u r going to be a father"...

daripada meter tu aku ingat 80 terus tanpa ku sedar dah 35 kot.. aku tergamam sebentar..

terlintas kat kepala aku ni.. "aih nak jadi bapak dah aku ni"

then masih dalam perjalanan tuh.. pelan pelan, hati ku terasa happy mengimagine yang aku akan dapat anak.. sampai rumah dah lepak2.. mula la aku terpikir..
kewangan yang harus aku sediakan..

there go now dah ada family, my priority dah fokus kepada isteri dan anak yang bakal lahir.
Hari pertama aku pegi ke hospital. aku dapat dgr bunyi degupan jantung yang sangat laju..
tersentuh hatiku. sikit lagi.. sikit lagi mau mengalirkan air mata gembira..fuhhh.. the moment.

sejak dari hari tuh, aku dah jarang membeli transformers. saving up for future!
aku pon dah mula jual some of tf's collections, from yang tak sayang sangat, sampailah yang most precious figures pon aku letgo.

on 12/06/2009, 11.29 am, Friday.
Mikael Zikry dilahirkan dengan berat 3.2 kg! healthy baby boy!

believe it or not.. alhamdulillah. the money i sold my tf's la
aku guna untuk bayar hospital bil anak aku lahir, dan duit tu jugak untuk keperluan lain.

if not mistaken, waktu tu aku jual and dapat almost 10,000 ribu.
jual menan je tu beb.

until now.. aku mmg dah slow gila membeli tf's. aku aktif menjual pulak.

ini lah priority dalam kehidupan aku,
kewajipan sebagai seorang suami dan ayah.
aku bahagia alhamdulillah..

of course la sayang bila jual tuh, sometimes rasa sedih la..

tapi bila aku tgk senyuman isteri dan anak aku..
i have no regret even i sold my precious collections, yang bertahun aku carik here and there to complete em.. in the end, it's just a hobby that last time those toys make me happy.

but now i have my lovely wife and son to make me happy to the fullest!!

I'm not gonna quit though, i still have lots of my what i left in the store..
i can say still a lot! haha

so, dulu, kalau aku tgk apa yang orang lain ada, aku geram.
eager nak get it. and usually aku
pasti akan dapat gak..

but now, there's lot of new collector and of course lot of new character yang keluar.

aku hanya senyum dan hatiku berkata.. u had enough.. been there, done that.
it's time to focus! my family is priority tf's just a hobby.

now.. anak aku collector paling happy! banyak transformers kat store tunggu dia membesar!


monkticon said...

weh, ngko memang husband/father yg mithali... kakakaa... tahniah anyways, kalo ade bende murah nak juai kat aku... bak la mai skit.. cittt...

Pencopet said...

hahaha.. sape tak sayang family oi!!

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